The 2020 Annual Meeting of the State Retirees Association will be held on June 25th at Seawell’s Banquet Facility, 1125 Rosewood Drive, Columbia. Registration will begin at 9:00 AM and is $10 per person which includes lunch and tips.
Our business meeting will begin at 10:00 AM with a report from our Treasurer and election of Board members.
Our keynote speaker this year will be Senator Richard “Dick” Harpootlian representing District 20 Lexington – Richland Counties. He currently is managing partner of Richard A. Harpootlian, P.A. In the past Mr. Harpootlian has served on Richland County Council, and served as Solicitor for the 5th Judicial Circuit We look forward to his remarks.
Following Mr. Harpootlian, Ms Peggy Boykin, Executive Director of PEBA will provide an update covering retirement, health care, and Deferred Compensation.
Michael Hitchcock, Executive Director of the Investment Commission, will update us on investment issues bring us up to date on investment earnings Hopefully he will have some good news for us.
Finally, we plan to share with you the latest information that we will have about the issues that affect South Carolina’s retired public employees.
Online registration will be available March 5th on our website Just click on Events and follow the instructions. Or you can complete the registration form printed below and return it along with your check to State Retirees Association, P.O. Box 3601, Irmo, SC 29063.
So please plan to join us on June 25th to stay informed, enjoy good company, and good food. Look forward to seeing you.
Wayne Pruitt, President
State Retirees Association
State Retirees Association 2020 Annual Meeting Registration
Member Name:____________________________ $10.00
Guest Name: ___________________________________ $10.00
Total: $_____
Return to: State Retirees Association
P.O. Box 3601
Irmo, S.C. 29063