State Retirees Association of South Carolina

The State Retirees Association is a non-profit organization of state retirees and those within one year of retirement. Established by a group of retirees in 1994 to ensure our concerns were heard when matters of retirement benefits and health insurance were being considered, membership is open to all members of the retirement systems of the State of South Carolina who are either retired or near retirement. We operate under a board of directors of members who are elected to two-year terms at our annual meeting.


What We Do

The State Retirees Association is a strong advocate for retirees and identifies key issues that may affect us. Among these are the continuation of annual cost of living benefit increases, monitoring retirement fund investment strategies, and insuring full funding of increases in our health insurance program. All of these issues have been of great concern over the past several years. We advocate for our common interests by carefully monitoring the legislative process and attending key legislative committee meetings as well as meetings of the Investment Commission and the Public Employee Benefit Authority. The key to any successes we may have achieved has been our ability to clearly and effectively communicate with our members and to use our collective voices to educate legislative and agency leaders. We don’t want more than we were promised as employees and retirees. But we want to ensure that those benefits do not erode.


Who Can Join

Any person who is a beneficiary of any of the retirement systems administered by the State of South Carolina or who, within one (1) year will become eligible to become such a beneficiary. This includes the General Assembly Retirement System (GARS), the Judges and Solicitors Retirement System (JSRS), the Police Officers Retirement System (PORS), and the SC Retirement System (SCRS).

Why Join

This is the only association which covers every branch of government as well as school systems and many local governments. It is committed to a single purpose: preserving your retirement and health care benefits. All retirees have a vital interest in insuring that their best financial and health interests are protected in every possible forum. That is what we are dedicated to doing. And, in the course of doing that, numbers count! As our membership increases, so does our influence in the political arena. That is why it is so critical that you add your voice to that of your fellow retirees when we address these matters.


What Are The Dues

All dues are used to advocate on behalf of retirees and maintain the business of the Association. Regular membership dues are $24 per year. A Life membership is a one time $180.


All new members are invited to join the Association free for the first year and learn firsthand the value of membership.

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